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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Godenzi

Prof. Dr. iur. Gunhild Godenzi

Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht

Treichlerstrasse 10/355, CH-8032 Zürich

Büro DOL-F-23 (Prof. Dr. Godenzi)
Büro DOL-F-24 (Assistenz)
Büro DOL-F-25 (Office Management/Assistenz)

Sprechstunde:  Nach Vereinbarung
Telefon Office Management (DOL-F-25) +41 (44) 634 15 22
Telefon Assistenz (DOL-F-25) +41 (44) 634 15 21
Telefon Assistenz (DOL-F-24) +41 (44) 634 15 19/+41 (44) 634 15 20

Summer School International Sports Law FS24

To participate in this module, students need to apply as soon as possible but not later then 14th March 2024 via email to, submitting a short letter of motivation and current transcript of records. 

Please find the Flyer here (PDF, 2 MB).
Course Description

For UZH students there are no participation fees.

Further information and updates you find here. You may also have a look at the VVZ.

Weiterführende Informationen

Zur neuen Website der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät