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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Heinemann

Workshop & Lecture Series on the Law & Economics of Innovation (Master)

Herbstsemester 2021 (Master-Vorlesung)

Dozenten / University lecturer

Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann (UZH)
Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Picht (UZH)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bechtold (ETH)
Prof. em. Dr. Gérard Hertig (ETH)
Prof. Dr. Elliott Ash (ETH)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Stremitzer (ETH)

Termine / Dates

Dienstag und Mittwoch / Tuesday and Wednesday

16:15–17:45 (unregelmässig, nicht jede Woche / irregularily, not every week)

Die aktuellen Termien finden sich auf der ETH-Vorlesungsseite. The current dates can be found on the ETH-course-homepage.

Zur ETH-Vorlesungsseite/To the ETH-course-homepage

Räumlichkeiten / Locations

Zur ETH-Vorlesungsseite/ To the ETH-course-homepage

Course language



Students are kindly asked to participate in the evaluation of the course with the following link: 

Thank you for your participation! 


Please register online using the regular registration tool (Modulbuchungs-Tool).



You have two options to participate in the courses: 

  • a) Physical participation: You can participate physically by attending the live-lecture at RAI F-041 (UZH, Tuesday) and IFW A 32.1 (ETH, Wednesday). Physical attendance is only possible with a Covid certificate. Please remember that you will be required to wear a facial mask when entering the UZH / ETH buildings and to keep it on during the entire class. In addition, the safety measures of the UZH or ETH apply. 
  • b) Virtual participation: Access to virtual participation is provided in the password-protected area. A technical solution is intended in which the virtual participants can ask questions that will be (acoustically) broadcasted in the live lecture. In order to carry out the control of attendance, virtual participants are requested to use their real name (first and last name) and to keep the camera on during the entire lecture.   

Active participation is expected equally from physical and virtual participants. With the exception of the two introductory events, no recordings of the events will be made available. 

Course content

The Workshop & Lecture Series is a joint project of ETH Zurich (Professors Stefan Bechtold, Hans Gersbach, Elliott Ash and Alexander Stremitzer), University of Zurich (Prof. Andreas Heinemann and Prof. Peter Georg Picht) and University of St. Gallen. It provides an overview of current interdisciplinary research on technology policy. Legal, economics, and computer science scholars give a lecture and/or present their current research. All speakers are internationally well-known experts from Europe and the U.S.


The goal of this course is for students to understand and critically analyze scientific papers on technology policy from an interdisciplinary perspective.

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