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Faculty of Law

Double Degree Master’s Programs

The Double Degree Master’s Programs are based on the structure of the Master of Law UZH and Master of Law UZH International and Comparative Law study programs. As 30 ECTS credits are recognized from the courses taught by the partner faculty, the remaining 60 ECTS credits must be earned at the University of Zurich.

Starting in Fall Semester 2021, the following double degree programs will be offered:

  • Master of Law UZH Rechtswissenschaft
  • Master of Law UZH International and Comparative Law

In general, the Master of Law program is offered in German, although there is an option to complete the modules in another language (in particular, English). The Master of International and Comparative Law program only offers English-language courses and assessments.

The concentrations offered in the previous German-language Master’s degree programs (Legal Practice, Business Law, Public Law) and in the English-language Master’s degree programs (International Business Law, European and International Law) will be discontinued from Fall Semester 2021. Starting in Fall Semester 2020, new registrations were only be possible in the German-language Master’s degree program without a concentration and in the English-language Master’s degree program in General Studies.

The new framework ordinance was enacted. Please note that the new program regulations have not yet been approved. Minor changes cannot be ruled out as the reform process proceeds.

Overview of Modules from Fall Semester 2021

Students must complete the following individual modules:

Double Degree Master’s Program Rechtswissenschaft (German-language)

Module Module Type ECTS
Common Subjects Core Elective Module Core Elective 6
Other modules of the faculty according to choice Various 42
Master's Thesis Compulsory 12

Double Degree Master’s Degree Program International and Comparative Law (English-language)

Module Module Type ECTS
Introduction to Swiss Law* Compulsory 6
Common Subjects Core Elective Module Core Elective 6
Core Elective Modules International Law Core Elective 18

Core Elective Modules Comparative Law

Core Elective 12
An other (English-language) module of the faculty according to choice Elective/Core Elective 6
Master’s Thesis Compulsory  

*For students with a Bachelor of Law degree from a Swiss university the module Introduction to Swiss Law is considered fulfilled upon commencement of the study program. Instead, they complete another (English-language) module of the faculty according to choice in the amount of 6 ECTS credits.

Repeat Examinations

The module Introduction to Swiss Law and the Master's thesis can be repeated twice. A third failed attempt will result in a definitive exclusion from studies.

There is a combined maximum limit of eight failed attempts for the other modules. Until the maximum number of failed attempts is reached, these modules can be repeated, provided that the modules are offered again, and/or substituted. When substituting modules, ensure that the number of modules to be completed in each module group (Common Subjects core elective modules, core electives modules International Law and core elective modules Comparative Law) is maintained. If further compulsory modules (in addition to the Master's thesis) are selected in the study program Rechtswissenschaft, they can be repeated a maximum of two times. For the other modules, repeatability is only limited by the failed attempt maximum. A definitive exclusion from studies takes place in case of more than eight failed attempts.

Transitional Regulations

Who is Affected?

Students who started the General Studies study program before Fall Semester 2021 can complete the study program based on the old regulations. If they have not completed all of the Faculty of Law modules necessary for the degree by the end of Spring Semester 2021, they will complete the study program based on the new modules. The transitional regulations therefore apply, in particular, to students who started the German-language Master of Law UZH Double Degree without a concentration before Fall Semester 2021, but who have not yet completed it or been permanently excluded, provided they have successfully completed one Master’s degree module at the Faculty of Law. Starting in Fall Semester 2021, students will be transferred to the double degree Master of Law program Rechtswissenschaft based on the new regulations. The previous modules will then no longer be offered if they are not continued in the new degree program.

Bachelor’s students who fulfill the following prerequisites as of the end of Spring Semester 2021 are also subject to the transitional provisions of the Master’s degree program:

  • At least 162 ECTS credits completed toward the Bachelor of Law UZH and
  • At least one Master’s module taken in advance at the Faculty of Law

What Needs to be Kept in Mind?

Master’s degree modules that were completed successfully before the changeover will be credited toward the revised double degree Master’s programs on the basis of the number of ECTS credits received in accordance with the provisions of the old program regulations. Ninety ECTS credits are required for the degree, with 30 ECTS credits being recognized from the courses taught by the partner faculty.

Information about the curriculum during the transitional period will be provided after the corresponding concept has been approved.

Failed attempts taken up to and including Spring Semester 2021 will not be taken into account, provided that they have not already led to the student’s exclusion from the degree program.

Transition Table Double Degree Master’s Program Rechtswissenschaft

Modules acc. to Old Regulations ECTS   Modules acc. to New or Transitional Regulations ECTS
Common Subjects Core Elective Module 6 fulfilled Common Subjects Core Elective Module 6
Master’s Thesis/es 18 fulfilled Master’s Thesis 12
Elective Modules 38 are accredited as Elective Modules 42

ECTS credits that have already been earned for Master’s degree modules in specialized core elective pools or compulsory modules from a double degree Master’s program with a concentration will be credited as elective modules during the transitional period. 

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