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Faculty of Law

Examination Results

Transcript of Records

As far as the transcript of records for spring semester 2020 are concerned, there is going to be a deviation from the usual procedure:
Due to the automatic cancellation of failed exams in the spring semester 2020 and the fact that most of the exams at the Faculty of Law have been postponed, you will receive a total of four transcripts of records for this semester.

  • The first transcript contains all grades of assessments that were not affected by the postponement, as well as the grades of the early online examinations and of written papers. It will be available to you on September 18, 2020.
  • On October 9, 2020 a second transcript of records will follow, which has no influence on modules of the Faculty of Law. Please note, however, that grades from certain early examinations may no longer be visible. These will appear again on the third transcript. In case you have booked modules of other faculties in spring semester 2020, the according failed modules are now deleted.

Assessments taken in calendar weeks 33 to 36 are not yet included in the first two transcripts.

  • On October 23, 2020 you will receive a third transcript with all grades including insufficient grades - regardless of whether you have taken examinations in calendar weeks 33 to 36 or not.
  • The adjusted, definitive version of your transcript (the fourth transcript of records) will be available on November 13, 2020.


You will find the download your scanned exams here.

Facts of Case - Sample Solutions

Aktienrecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 14 KB)

Aktienrecht Musterlösung (PDF, 149 KB)

Arbeitsrecht Sachverhalt und Musterlösung (PDF, 313 KB)

Gesundheitsheits & Bioethik Sachverhalt (PDF, 68 KB)

Gesundheitsrecht & Bioethik Musterlösung (PDF, 105 KB)

Haftpflicht und Versicherungsrecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 143 KB)

Haftpflicht und Versicherungsrecht Musterlösung (PDF, 296 KB)

Immobiliarsachenrecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 39 KB)

Immobiliarsachenrecht Musterlösung (PDF, 134 KB)

Kapitalmarktrecht Sachverhalt und Musterlösung (PDF, 452 KB)

Kolloquium OR AT Sachverhalt (PDF, 16 KB)

Kolloquium OR AT Musterlösung (PDF, 236 KB)

Lizenzvertrags und Lizenzkartellrecht Sachverhalt und Musterlösung (PDF, 257 KB)

Nachlassplanung Sachverhalt (PDF, 156 KB)

Nachlassplanung Musterlösung (PDF, 160 KB)

Öffentliches Verfahrensrecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 43 KB)

Öffentliches Verfahrensrecht Musterlösung (PDF, 61 KB)

Raumplanung und Baurecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 388 KB)

Raumplanung und Baurecht Musterlösung (PDF, 105 KB)

Recht der Gewaltanwendung Sachverhalt und Musterlösung (PDF, 533 KB)

Sicherheits und Polizeirecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 391 KB)

Sicherheits und Polizeirecht Musterlösung (PDF, 210 KB)

Strafprozessrecht Sachverhalt und Musterlösung (PDF, 702 KB)

Unternehmenssteuerrecht II Sachverhalt und Musterlösung (PDF, 669 KB)

Wirtschaftsrechtsgeschichte Sachverhalt (PDF, 136 KB)

Wirtschaftsrechtsgeschichte Musterlösung (PDF, 217 KB)

Wirtschaftsstrafrecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 29 KB)

Wirtschaftsstrafrecht Musterlösung (PDF, 204 KB)

Zivilverfahrensrecht Sachverhalt (PDF, 147 KB)

Zivilverfahrensrecht Musterlösung (PDF, 144 KB)

Granding Scales - Statistics Second Examination Period

Statistics First Examination Period