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Fasel Raffael N., ‘Constraining Constituent Conventions: Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès and the Limits of Pouvoir Constituant’, International Journal of Constitutional Law (forthcoming)
Fasel Raffael N., ‘Direct Democracy and Animal Rights’ in Anne Peters, Kristen Stilt, and Saskia Stucki (eds), Oxford Handbook of Global Animal Law (Oxford University Press) (forthcoming)
Fasel Raffael N., ‘Auch Affen sollten Grundrechte haben – in Basel kommt es zu einer Volksabstimmung’ (26 March 2021) Neue Zürcher Zeitung, [‘Apes Should Have Fundamental Rights, Too – On the Upcoming Referendum in Basel’]
Blattner Charlotte E. and Fasel Raffael N., ‘The Swiss Primate Case: How Courts Have Paved the Way for the First Direct Democratic Vote on Animal Rights’ (2021) Transnational Environmental Law, 1-14
Fasel Raffael N., ‘Shaving Ockham’ (2021) 44 Revus, 1-12