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Faculty of Law Chair for Law & Finance

Mirja Ciesiolka, Dr. iur., RA

Mirja Ciesiolka, Dr. iur., RA

In memoriam

In fond memory of Dr. iur. Mirja Ciesiolka, who passed away on 3 April 2020, we commemorate her valuable contribution to the academic community and her valued collaboration at our Chair and at the University of Zurich.

Curriculum Vitae

Mirja specialised in financial integrity. She held a PhD in international law from the University of Zurich and was admitted to the Bar. Being practically experienced in both the public and private sector, she also provided legal advice to internationally operating companies. She was pursuing a project on global financial integrity and the improvement of cross-border cooperation in combating money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT).

Recent Publications

Combating the Right to Privacy while combating Terrorist Finance, submitted to the OHCHR, in the call for submissions: Soft law and informal lawmaking in the global counter-terrorism architecture: Assessing implications on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, 2019

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International Security and Financial Stability: Resolving Norm Conflicts between Anti-Corruption and Individual Rights, in De Hert, Paul, et al. (eds.), Convergences and Divergences Between International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law, Intersentia, Cambridge et al., 2018

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A Contribution to Norm Conflict Resolution in a Fragmented International Legal OrderThe Legal Relationship between the UN Convention against Corruption and International Human Rights Law, PhD thesis, Études suisses de droit international, vol. 143, Schulthess: Zurich, 2015

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