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Faculty of Law Chair for Law & Finance

Prof. Dr. iur. Kern Alexander

Chaired Full Professor of International Banking and Financial Law, and Chair for Law and Finance, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich.

Weiterführende Informationen

Kern Alexander is co-editor of EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance

Kern Alexander is co-editor of EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance published in Link

Kern Alexander was elected Director of the University of Zurich Competence Center for Sustainability: Finance, Law, Science and the Humanities.

As Director, he will lead the center's interdisciplinary research and teaching programs in sustainable finance, law, science and the humanities. An important objective of the center is to disseminate academic knowledge through research and teaching on environmental and social sustainability.

Center of Competence for Sustainable Finance

Kern Alexander was Co-Director of the 2023 Oxford Bank Governance Programme at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.

In this year's programme bank board members from around the world participated. During the week a number of cutting edge issues confronting bank leaders, including financial market turbulance caused by the SVB bank failure, strategic issues arising from climate change and evolving risks in digital finance and blockchain were addressed. 

Call for Abstracts - 2024 Conference on Recent Developments in Commercial and Financial Law: Insights from Law and Data

The Center for Legal Data Science (CLDS) and the Society of Commercial and Financial Law (SCFL), in association with Loyens & Loeff, invites academics, scholars, and practitioners with diverse perspectives from the civil and common law to present papers on recent developments in commercial and financial law.

Please submit your abstract of approx. 500 words (2'500 characters) by November 30, 2023 to the SCFL Secretariat at Submission of a full paper before the conference is optional. The Editorial Board will confirm whether your proposal is accepted by Mid December 2023.

Conference 2024 - Call for Abstracts

Prof. Kern Alexander criticizes the Swiss Government’s bailout of Credit Suisse and attributes it to weak FINMA regulation

Credit Suisse Collapse, And Switzerland Went Back to Making Money

“The regulatory culture in Switzerland is weak and not based on a meaningful set of rules,” says Kern Alexander, chair of the law and finance program at the University of Zurich, “but instead on a light touch principles regime that leaves the regulator too much discretion not to take action and to allow problems to fester until they reach a breaking point.”

 Bloomberg Article, 4 August 2023

Guest Lecture on "International Monetary Fund and Financial Law: Law Reform and Financial Markets"

Monday, April 3rd 2023 at 12:15pm in RAA-G-01

(extra credit will be provided for the students attending the event)

IMF 2022

Professor Kern Alexander presents paper at International Monetary Fund, 29-30 June 2022

The International Monetary Fund invited Kern Alexander to present his paper ‘Banking Regulation and Climate Change’ at a high level seminar hosted by the IMF at its headquarters in Washington DC on 29-30 June 2022.

Prof. Alexander publishes in the Oxford Business Law Blog

Professor Alexander, along with Rosa Lastra, published an essay, "International Banking Regulation and Climate Change" in the Oxford Business Law Blog.


 Read the essay here.


Oxford Bank Governance Programme 11-15 July 2022

Kern Alexander was Co-Director of the 2022 Oxford Bank Governance Programme held at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. Participants included directors and senior managers from leading banks and investment firms in Europe, the UK, Asia and Africa. Prof. Alexander led discussions on bank strategy, regulation and the legal duties of directors. Sustainable finance and cryptocurrencies were also important themes addressed throughout the week.  


SNSF Research Project on Financial Sanctions

Prof. Dr. Alexander is leading a research project on ‘Multinational Financial Sanctions’ supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.  It will analyse the implementation and enforcement of financial sanctions in G7 countries, the European Union and Switzerland and assess the institutional and legal challenges for having more harmonised financial sanctions regulations.