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Faculty of Law Chair Jakob


Personal Information

Name Prof. Dr. Dominique Jakob
Date of birth  2.6.1971


1990 Maximiliansgymnasium Munich: Abitur, Max-Planck-Prize for special achievements in the humanities, Bavarian promotion of highly gifted students
1990–1993 Language courses of several months each at universities in ItalySpain, France, Sweden and the USA
1991–1993 University of Augsburg: Studies of law and specialised foreign languages
1993–1994  Lund University, Sweden: Erasmus scholarship for the Master Programme in Public International Law and Human Rights of the Raoul Wallenberg Institutet for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in cooperation with Lund University. Acquisition of the title of  “Master of International Law” (1997)

University of Munich: Continuation of law studies, First State Examination via free try 1996/II

1997–1999 Legal traineeship in Munich, Second State Law Examination 1998/II

Professional Experience

1993 Internship at the Studio Legale Associato Prof. G. Visentini, Rome, Italy (1993); simultaneous participation in a comparative law research project at the  CERADI (Centro di ricerca applicata per il diritto dell'impresa) of the LUISS (Libera Università Internationale degli Studi Sociali) on fiduciary relationships
1996 Internships at the law firms Kanzleien Epple, Dr. Hörmann & Karsch, Augsburg, and Seitz, Weckbach, Fent, Augsburg
1997 Legal traineeship at Chadbourne & Parke LLP, New York, USA (1997)
1999 Legal traineeship at the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand (1999)
1997–1999 Scholarship at the Max-Planck-Institute for foreign and international patent, copyright, and competition law, freelance research assistant in the “International Law” Department from August 1999 until the end of 2002
1999–2007 Research assistant for Prof. Dr. Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, University of Munich, Institute for International Law - Comparative Law
July 2001 Doctorate (Dr. iur.); Title of the dissertation: “Die eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft im Internationalen Privatrecht” (Registered Civil Partnership in International Private Law), Schriftenreihe der  Deutschen Notarrechtlichen Vereinigung, Köln, 2002, 442 p.
2004–2006 Received a research (habilitation) grant from the  Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (German Research Foundation) for the research project “Interessenkonflikte im Stiftungsrecht” (Conflicts of Interest in Foundation Law). Research stays at the University of Zurich and the Vienna University of Economics and Business
26.1.2006 Habilitation, conferral of teaching authorization for “Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Civil Procedure Law, Private International Law, Comparative Law and Tax Law”. Appointment as private lecturer at the LMU Munich. The habilitation thesis “Schutz der Stiftung – Die Stiftung und ihre Rechtsverhältnisse im Widerstreit der Interessen” (Protection of the Foundation – The Foundation and its Legal Relationships in Conflicts of Interest), Verlag Mohr Siebeck (“Jus Privatum”), Tübingen 2006, was awarded with the “Helmut-Schippel-Preis 2006” of the German Notarial Association (NotRV).
March 2006 Visiting lecturer at the  Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo, Spain
WS 2006/2007 Substitution of a “Chair for Civil Law and Corporate Law” at the University of Regensburg
December 2006 Appointment to a “Chair of Private Law” at the  University of Zurich (successor to Prof. Dr. Hans Michael Riemer). Assumption of the Chair as of 1.6.2007.
February 2008 Foundation of the Center for Foundation Law at the University of Zurich
2012–2014 Consultant at Niederer Kraft & Frey AG, Zurich
2015 Foundation of the law firm Jakob Studen Partner GmbH, Zurich
2018 Foundation of Prof. Dr. Dominique Jakob – Private Clients and Foundations

Appointment as Foundation Law Delegate of the University Executive Board of the University of Zurich

Language Skills

English, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, French, Latinum, Graecum.

Roles and Functions (selection)

Weiterführende Informationen

Schutz der Stiftung


“Schutz der Stiftung – Die Stiftung und ihre Rechtsverhältnisse im Widerstreit der Interessen” (Protection of the Foundation – The Foundation and its Legal Relationships in Conflicts of Interest)

The Helmut-Schippel-Prize 2006 is awarded to Prof. Dr. Dominique Jakob, Conference Proceedings 2008