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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Alexander

Kern Alexander

Kern Alexander, Prof. Dr.

+41 44 634 30 47 oder + 41 44 634 30 58

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Appointment as Full Professor at the European University Institute (EUI)

The European University Institute (EUI) appointed Prof. Alexander as a (part-time) Full Professor of Law with a focus on International and European Economic and Financial Law.

Guest Lecture on "International Monetary Fund and Financial Law: Law Reform and Financial Markets"

Monday, April 3rd 2023 at 12:15pm in RAA-G-01

(extra credit will be provided for the students arrending the event)

Prof. Alexander publiziert im Oxford Business Law Blog

Professor Alexander veröffentlichte mit Rosa Lastra einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel "International Banking Regulation and Climate Change" im Oxford Business Law Blog.


Lesen Sie hier den Aufsatz.


Professor Kern Alexander präsentiert am International Monetary Fund, 29.-30. Juni 2022

Der International Monetary Fund lud Kern Alexander ein, sein Papier "Banking Regulation and Climate Change" (Bankenregulierung und Klimawandel) auf einem hochrangigen Seminar zu präsentieren, das der IMF am 29. und 30. Juni 2022 in seinem Hauptsitz in Washington DC veranstaltete.


Oxford Bank Governance Programme 11. - 15. Juli 2022

Kern Alexander war Co-Direktor des Oxford Bank Governance Programme 2022, das an der Said Business School der Universität Oxford stattfand. Zu den Teilnehmern gehörten Direktoren und leitende Angestellte von führenden Banken und Wertpapierfirmen in Europa, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Asien und Afrika. Prof. Alexander leitete Diskussionen über Bankstrategien, Regulierung und die rechtlichen Pflichten von Direktoren. Nachhaltige Finanzen und Kryptowährungen waren ebenfalls wichtige Themen, die während der Woche angesprochen wurden.


SNSF Research Project on Financial Sanctions

Prof. Dr. Alexander leitet ein Forschungsprojekt betreffend «Multinationale Finanzsanktionen» unterstützt durch den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds. Untersucht werden die Implementierung und der Vollzug von Finanzsanktionen der G7 Nationen, der Europäischen Union und der Schweiz sowie die institutionellen und rechtlichen Hürden auf dem Weg zu harmonisierter Regulierung von Finanzsanktionen.


Conference invitation

Conference: ESG Regulation and Expectations: Spill-overs from the financial industry to the real economy? - 17 May 2022

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander will be speaking about developments in ESG disclosure regulations in the EU and UK at the conference hosted by SwissHoldings and SWIPRA


Prof. Alexander comments to the BBC on how financial sanctions can be imposed on the Russian oligarchs

Mehr zu Prof. Alexander comments to the BBC on how financial sanctions can be imposed on the Russian oligarchs
Prof. Kern Alexander

Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities high-level conference on financial education and literacy 2022

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander will be giving a keynote lecture on sustainable finance and disclosures at the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities high-level conference on Financial Education and Literacy.

Professor Kern Alexander has joined Pestalozzi as Counsel

Mehr zu Professor Kern Alexander has joined Pestalozzi as Counsel
Professor Alexander presenting at UBS Impact Finance Lab

UBS Impact Finance Lab

Prof. Alexander gave the keynote lecture at the UBS Sustainable Finance Impact conference on November 4th 2021. He discussed recent developments in sustainable finance regulation in Europe and Switzerland and the preliminary results of his study analysing the preferences, attitudes and objectives of UBS customers towards sustainable finance and related legal developments in Switzerland.

Conference Program

Conference: International Financial Regulation and Sustainability - 9 November 2021

We are pleased to invite you to the conference "International Financial Regulation and Sustainability - Implementation and Enforcement Challenges". The conference takes place virtually on 9 November 2021. If you are interested in virtually participating in the conference, please register by clicking on the following link:

EU Law Live

"Bank of Slovenia’s Bail-in Powers Come Under Constitutional Scrutiny by the Strasbourg Court"

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Professor Alexander's most recent editorial blog piece for EU Law Live, commenting on the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in Pintar and Others v. Slovenia.

Ex Ante 01 2021

Sustainable Finance - Hot off the Press

Mehr zu Sustainable Finance - Hot off the Press

Dr Xenia Karametaxas’ newest publication on Sustainable Finance, ‘Sustainable Finance: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Gesetzgebung der EU und der Schweiz’ will be coming out in the next days in the 01/2021 issue of Ex/Ante.


Exclusive UBS Webinar on ESG - 10 June 2021, 8:30-9:50 CEST

Mehr zu Exclusive UBS Webinar on ESG - 10 June 2021, 8:30-9:50 CEST

Join us for the exclusive UBS Webinar on “Sustainable investing: Freestyle today and mandatory tomorrow?” - 10 June 2021, 8:30-9:50

The increasing pressure that pension funds are experiencing today could soon be underpinned by further regulations from the legislator. What can institutional investors and asset managers in Switzerland expect? A review by Salome Kohler. 

This is part of the larger Research Report on Investor Perceptions of Swiss Sustainable Finance, conducted by Prof. Alexander and his team, on behalf of UBS.

Routledge Handbook

Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law Publication

Mehr zu Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law Publication

Xenia Karametaxas and Kern Alexander published a book chapter on 'Digital Transformation and Financial Inclusion' in the Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law (2021). The chapter explores some of the main regulatory concerns and market barriers created by the digital transformation of the financial services industry and the implications for a more socially inclusive financial system, particularly in developing and emerging market countries.

There will be two online book launches: at UCL on 24 June, 17:00-19:00 and at IALS on 3 September, 9:30-11:30.


'Financial Inclusion and Proportionality', University of Luxembourg

Mehr zu 'Financial Inclusion and Proportionality', University of Luxembourg

Kern Alexander was invited to give a lecture on 'Financial Inclusion and Proportionality' on April 22, 2021 at the House for Sustainable Governance and Markets (HSGM) at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg as part of the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI).


SUSFIN - Geneva-Zurich Sustainable Finance & Digitalisation Seminar, 25 March 2021

Mehr zu SUSFIN - Geneva-Zurich Sustainable Finance & Digitalisation Seminar, 25 March 2021

Join us for the Geneva-Zurich Seminar Series on Sustainable Finance, with a special focus on "Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation" via Zoom.


Date: 25th March 2021

13:15 – 17:15 (UTC/GMT +1)


Hosted by: The University of Zurich & the University of Geneva

Scientific Committee: Dr. Xenia Karametaxas / Prof. Aline Darbellay / Prof. Kern Alexander


Link to the Programme

Flexibility and forbearance

EBI Annual Conference 2021

Mehr zu EBI Annual Conference 2021

An der EBI Annual Conference 2021 wird Professor Alexander zusammen mit Nicolas Veron und Professorin Grünewald ein Joint Panel zum Thema "Flexibility and forbearance: Supporting the economy without endangering prudence" leiten. Die Konferenz findet am 11. Februar 2021 statt, das Panel von 16:20-16:50.

Trade and Investment

EUTIP Network Conference: The Future of EU Trade and Investment Policy

Professor Alexander gave a presentation at the virtual EUTIP Network Conference: The Future of EU Trade and Investment Policy, which was held on 14 January 2021 in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and the IFW Kiel Institute for the World Economy, and is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.

Image by Al Soot on Unsplash

Virtual Workshop – Kyoto University and University of Zurich “Advanced Technology and Law”

We are very pleased to be a part of the Kyoto University - UZH partnership, where Dr Karametaxas presented on "Digital Transformation and Financial Inclusion" in the Virtual Workshop – Kyoto University and University of Zurich “Advanced Technology and Law”, organised by Prof Peter Picht and Prof Tatsuhiko Inatani. 


smoky chimney

Comments on the Responsible Business Initiative

Mehr zu Comments on the Responsible Business Initiative

Professor Kern Alexander comments on the impact of the Responsible Business Initiative on Swiss companies.

Click here for more information

Image by m-b-m on Unsplash

Call for papers: 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation - 25 Mar 2021

Mehr zu Call for papers: 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation - 25 Mar 2021

Call for papers for the 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance at the University of Zurich - 25 March 2021 on Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation.

Submit abstracts no later than 1 February 2021.

Click here for more information

Image by Lukas Blaskevicius on Unsplash

Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance - Disclosure and Sustainability Risks

Mehr zu Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance - Disclosure and Sustainability Risks

We are very pleased to welcome you to our first Geneva-Zurich seminar on Sustainable Finance with a special focus on Disclosure and Sustainability Risks


12 November 2020
3:30 p.m. (UTC/GMT +1) 
Access to the Seminar via Zoom
(no pre-registration required)


Hosted by:
The University of Geneva and the University of Zurich
Scientific Committee:
Prof. Kern Alexander / Prof. Aline Darbellay / Dr. iur. Xenia Karametaxas

Link to Programme

Image by Sophie de Klerk on Unsplash

Seminar: Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas, 21 Sep 2020

Mehr zu Seminar: Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas, 21 Sep 2020

Prof. Alexander and Dr. Karametaxas, founders of SUSFIN, in collaboration with Ben Mansfield (Director and Founder, RCDC) and Dr. Lindsay Blair Howe (ETH) from the RCDC will be hosting a seminar on Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas at the University of Zurich Law Faculty.


Date: Monday, 21 September 2020

Time: 16:00-18:00 CEST

Room: RAI-F-041


Click here to watch the presentation.

Image by Charlotte Venema on Unsplash

Artikel zur ECB Inflationspolitik Post-Covid-19

Mehr zu Artikel zur ECB Inflationspolitik Post-Covid-19

Das Center of Competence for Sustainable Finance der Universität Zürich publizierte einen Artikel zu “Sustainability is Price Stability — Covid-19 Crisis Pushes the ECB to Re-evaluate Inflation Policy” am 11. Juni 2020 und zitierte Professor Kern Alexander und den ECB Bericht verfasst mit Professor Rosa María Lastra.

SRC Sustainability and Systemic Risk Konferenz ONLINE

Prof Kern Alexander haltet eine Vorlesung an der online SRC Sustainability and Systemic Risk Konferenz am 15. Juni 2020 zum Thema 'Prudential Regulation and Sustainable Finance'.  

Um zu registrieren und für das Programm, klicke hier.


European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON)

Mehr zu European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON)

Kern Alexander und Rosa Maria Lastra werden am 4. Juni 2020 am Verhör des European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) mit dem Titel 'The European Central Bank's Mandate: Perspectives on General Economic Policies' Zeugnis ablegen. Als Grundlage dazu dient Alexanders und Lastras Bericht 'The ECB Mandate: Perspectives on Sustainability and Solidarity' (Juni 2020).

Der Live-Streaming Link zum Verhör


ELSA Podiumsdiskussion über Brexit

Am 26. November wird Prof. Alexander an der ELSA Podiumsdiskussion über Brexit referieren. Die Vorlesung findet an der Universität Zürich, im Raum KOL-F-101 um 18:15 statt. 

ECB Podiumsdiskussion

Professor Alexander war Teil der Podiumsdiskussion an der ECB am 11. November 2019 und referierte zum Thema 'The Centralisation of Banking Supervision: Building Effective Linkages Between Macroprudential Supervision, Monetary Policy and Resolution from a Comparative Perspective'.


6th Annual QED Conference on Cross-border regulation of financial services

Kern Alexander moderierte am 4. Juni 2019 die EU QED Konferenz über die grenzüberschreitende Finanzregulierung (Cross-Border Financial Regulation) in Brüssel.  Aktuelle Herausforderungen der grenzüberschreitenden Finanzregulierung wurden diskutiert, darunter die EU-Äquivalenzanerkennung, die Harmonisierung von regulatorischen Standards und der Brexit. Im Foto von links: Nick Collier, Managing Director, City Corporation of London, Almoro Rubin de Cervin, Head of International Affairs, DG FISMA Europäische Kommission, Kern Alexander, Eve Finn, Managing Director, L&G Investment Management, Matthias Heer, Managing Director, Swiss Finance Council und Sharon Yang, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, US Department of Treasury.

UNCTAD conference

UNCTAD Konferenz in Genf

An der Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Handel und Entwicklung am 1. und 2. Mai 2019 in Genf spricht Kern Alexander über "Digitale Finanzdienstleistungen und finanzielle Inklusion". An der Konferenz nahmen Wissenschaftler, Vertreter der Handelspolitik und Regulierungsbehörden aus vielen Ländern teil, darunter China, Nigeria, Indonesien und Mexiko sowie die Europäische Kommission, die EU-Staaten vertritt. Alexander führte eine Diskussion darüber, wie digitale Finanzdienstleistungen reguliert werden können, um das Wirtschaftswachstum zu unterstützen.

Portrait: Kern Alexander mit Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Director, UN Division on International Trade and Commodities.

Harvard Panel Discussion on Bank Stress Testing

Presentation on Brexit and book publication

Kern Alexander referiert über das Risiko des Brexit für die finanzielle Stabilität.

Principles of Banking Regulation

Principles of Banking Regulation

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Neue Publikation von Prof. Kern Alexander, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Harvard Panel Discussion on Bank Stress Testing

Harvard Panel Discussion on Bank Stress Testing

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Podiumsdiskussion über die Regulierung von Bankstresstests am 16. November 2018 im Harvard University Loeb House

Zu den Referenten gehörten: Alison Scott (Bank of England), Hal Scott (Harvard Law School), Randal Quarles (stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Federal Reserve Board), Denise Peck (Boston fed), Stefan Gelman (State Sreet), Yu Xiao (China Central Bank) und Professor Kern Alexander (Universität Zürich)

Image by Frank Busch on Unsplash

The Challenges of Bank ESG Investment Strategy - Webinar

Mehr zu The Challenges of Bank ESG Investment Strategy - Webinar

'The Challenges of Bank ESG Investment Strategy' webinar was hosted by Professor Kern Alexander via an online zoom webinar on 29th October 2020, 1-2pm GMT, and featured as the speaker Dr Karsten Guettler, Senior ESG Investment Specialist from the UBS, in collaboration with University of Oxford Saïd Business School.

Watch it here

Prof. Kern Alexander Criticizes the Swiss Bank Bailout by Credit Suisse and Attributes it to Weak FINMA Regulation

Credit Suisse Collapse, And Switzerland Went Back to Making Money

“The regulatory culture in Switzerland is weak and not based on a meaningful set of rules,” says Kern Alexander, chair of the law and finance program at the University of Zurich, “but instead on a light touch principles regime that leaves the regulator too much discretion not to take action and to allow problems to fester until they reach a breaking point.”

 Bloomberg Article, 4 August 2023