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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Prof. Dr. iur. Alice Margaria


The Construction of Fatherhood: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights

The Construction of Fatherhood: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (Cambridge University Press, 2019)

The book critically investigates how the European Court of Human Rights deals with and makes sense of shifting practices and ideas of fatherhood. By tracing values and assumptions underpinning the Court’s caselaw, it engages in timely conversations about the role of men as fathers, and explores the importance attached to care when attributing legal status and parental rights to fathers. The book also delves into the Court’s use of its doctrines of interpretation, revealing the intricate interplay between doctrinal and moral forces in shaping the emerging (re)conceptualisation of fatherhood.

(Selected) Reviews

  • “This book is an exemplary piece of scholarship. It provides a nuanced critical analysis of case law of the European Court of Human Rights, focused on its construction of fatherhood. In doing so, the book simultaneously offers theoretical depth and the solid grounding in realities that is characteristic of excellent socio-legal scholarship. A valuable addition to human rights law, family law, and law and gender studies.” (Eva Brems, University of Ghent)
  • “Margaria sets a standard for further interdisciplinary research and delivers an outstanding example of socio-legal research that meets the demands of our time.” (Petra Sußner, ECHR Law Review)
  • “Striking in its methodological and theoretical ambition, Margaria’s The Construction of Fatherhood will advance reflection and debate on critical questions in family law and judicial methodology.” (Robert Leckey, Social & Legal Studies)


Nuove Forme di Filiazione e Genitorialità: Leggi e Giudici di fronte alle Nuove Realtà

Nuove Forme di Filiazione e Genitorialità: Leggi e Giudici di fronte alle Nuove Realtà (Il Mulino, 2018) – translated into English by Katherine Clifton, Laws and Judges vis-à-vis New Realities in Filiation and Parenthood



Other main publications


Latest publications

‘Trans(forming) Fatherhood? European Legal Approaches to ‘Seahorse Fatherhood’, in K. Duden and D. Wiedemann (eds.), Changing Families, Changing Family Law in Europe (Intersentia) 177–194 


Forthcoming publications

Book Chapters

  • ‘Surrogacy before European Courts: The Gender of Legal Fictions’, in M.-L. Öberg and A. Tryfonidou (eds.), The Family in EU Law (Cambridge University Press)
  • ‘Another Side of Gender Equality: Fathers before the European Court of Human Rights’ in E. Brodeală, I. Jelić and S. Suteu, Women’s Human Rights Under European and International Law (Springer, forthcoming)

Edited Collections

  • Leading Works in Law and Anthropology (edited with Larissa Vetters), Analysing Leading Works in Law Series (Routledge, forthcoming 2024)