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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Uhlmann

Prof. Dr. iur. Felix Uhlmann

Die Zersetzung des Rechts

Der Rechtsstaat bröckelt – nicht nur in den USA. Die Gesetze werden nur respektiert, wenn sie der eigenen Position nützen. Gastkommentar (PDF, 875 KB) von Felix Uhlmann in der NZZ vom 24.7.2024, S. 18.

Codification of Administrative Law: A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law

Felix Uhlmann (Anthology Editor), Oxford 2023

This open access book presents the first comparative study on the legal sources of administrative law. Every modern legal order needs a set of general rules to apply and enforce administrative law; the rules impose principles of action, of procedure, and of organisation of the authorities. The legal basis of these rules may be quite diverse. Some countries have tried to codify administrative law, whilst others work with few rules or unwritten rules.

Open Access



Publications related to the book:

  • Delphine Costa, "Commentary: Codification of Administrative Law: A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law, (ed. Felix Uhlmann)",, May 2024 Link
  • Ymre Schuurmans, "Codification of administrative law as a policy instrument",, May 2024 Link
  • Roberto Caranta, "Principles and Codification of Administrative Proceedings in Italy",, April 2024 Link
  • Konrad Lachmayer and Eleonóra Wagenknecht, "The post-codification era of administrative law in Austria",, April 2024 Link
  • Jane Reichel and Michaela Ribbing, "Codification of Administrative Law – Sweden",, March 2024 Link
  • Pierre Issalys, "A Persistent Taste for Diversity – Codification of Administrative Law in Canada",, March 2024Link
  • Stéphanie De Somer and Ingrid Opdebeek, "Codification of Belgian Administrative Law: ‘Nothing is Written",, March 2024 Link
  • Mike Varney, "Book Review: Codification of Administrative Law: A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law, (ed. Felix Uhlmann)", Oxford 2023, European Public Law, 2023, Issue 4, 415-418 Link
  • Annemarie Drahmann, Felix Uhlmann (ed.), Codification of Administrative Law: A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2023, ISBN 978-1-50995-492-6, Identi!er b-9781509954957, open access, Review of European Administrative Law, 2024, Vol. 17, nr 1, 187-191 Link

Lehrstuhl für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht sowie Rechtsetzungslehre Universität Zürich

Rämistrasse 74 / 33, 8001 Zürich

Büro RAI G 129 (Prof. Uhlmann)
Büro RAI G 130/131/139 (Assistenz) 

Sprechstunde Nach Vereinbarung


+41 44 634 42 24

Telefon Assistenz: +41 44 634 42 25

Zentrum für Rechtsetzungslehre (ZfR)

Weiterführende Informationen


Georg Müller/Felix Uhlmann/Stefan Höfler, Elemente einer Rechtssetzungslehre, 4. Aufl., Zürich/Genf 2024

New publication

Felix Uhlmann (ed.), Codification of Administrative Law: A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law, Oxford 2023