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Statement: 15. July 2024

Opinion on the Entwurf eines neuen FINMA-Rundschreibens «Verhaltenspflichten nach FIDLEG/FIDLEV» [FINMA Draft Circular «Duties of Conduct Under the FIDLEG/FIDLEV»].


Speech: The 2024 Congress of the Swiss Lawyers Society

The Schweizer Juristentag 2024 [The 2024 Congress of the Swiss Lawyers Society] will take place at the University of Fribourg, on September 13 and 14. Further information on the registration and programm can be found here.

Guest Commentary, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

In June 2024, the newspaper 'Neue Zürcher Zeitung' published the guest commentary "Den kollektiven Rechtsschutz stärken" [Strengthening Collective Legal Redress] by Profes. Atamer, Domej and Heinemann.

May 2024

(With Maurus Furger) Klassiker der Banken-AGB: Vertragsänderungsvorbehalts- und Retrozessionsverzichtsklauseln  [Classics of Banking Terms and Conditions: Contract Amendment Clauses and Retrocession Waivers]

SZW 2024, pp. 140-165

Chair: Conference of the International Distribution Institute 2024

The International Distribution Institute's conference on the topic 'Drafting and Managing International Sales Contracts within Distribution Networks' will take place on June 14/15 in Prague. Further information on Programm and Registration can be found here.

ExpertFocus: Preisanpassungsklauseln in AGB von Dauerschulsverhältnissen [Price adjustment clauses in general terms and conditions of long-term contracts]

December 2023, the ExpertFocus published an Article on 'Preisanpassungsklauseln in AGB von Dauerschuldverhältnissen' [Price adjustment clauses in general terms and conditions of long-term contracts] written by Prof. Atamer, Perla Bachmann (MLaw), and Tarek AlAbiad (Cand. MLaw, LL.M).

Speech: CISG Advisory Council Meeting

The CISG Advisory Council has met in Kopaonik, Serbia 12-14 December 2023, and participated in the conference on International Contracts & Dispute Resolution in the 21st century. (Programm)

Article Jusletter

On November 20, 2023, the new Jusletter was published, which features an article from Prof. Atamer, Prof. Eggen and Dr. Hug on the Federal Council's report on the modernization of Swiss warranty law in the sale of movable property from June 2023.

Publication: Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts

‘Switzerland’, in: Danny Busch & Matthias Lehmann (Hrsg.), Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts, Oxford University Press, 2023 (in print).

Publication: European Sales Law Book

The SECOLA book "European Sales Law", edited by Prof. Grundmann (Berlin)  and Prof. Atamer has been published and can be ordered now. 

Picture HK

Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht [Commentary on the Swiss Civil Law]

The 4th edition of the "Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht" [Commentary on the Swiss Civil Law] was published in October 2023. The commentary was edited with the participation of Prof. Atamer, more information can be found here

Speech: 29. September 'AGB-Kontrolle, Schutz des Schwächeren oder Schutz vor Marktversagen?'

As part of the 'Vortragsreihe am Mittag' at the EIZ, Prof. Atamer will give a speech on the control of terms and conditions. The event will be hosted in German. Informations about the regstration can be found on the Flyer and on the webpage.

Speech: 9-12 July in Israel, The 21th Biennial Meeting of the IACCL

The 21th Biennial Meeting of the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law focuses on Global Value Chains and Other Current Issues in Commercial and Consumer Law. It will be held at Bar Ilan University, Israel, July 9-12, 2023, see program.

Speech: 12-13 July in Vienna, UNCITRAL Colloquium on Climate Change and the Law of International Trade

The UNCITRAL Colloquium on Climate Change and the Law of International Trade will be held in Boardroom D of the Vienna International Centre, on 12-13 July 2023, as part of the fifty-sixth session of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). More information can be found in the programme.

Speech: 19-21 July in Hamburg, 18th IACL Conference

The 18th IACL Conference will take place on 19-21 July 2023 in Hamburg. More information about the program and registration can be found in the flyer.

ELI approves Feedback on EU Commission's Proposed Repair of Goods Directive

On 24 May 2023, the European Law Institute approved a Feedback on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Directive on Common Rules Promoting the Repair of Goods (COM(2023) 155 final) written by Prof. Yeşim Atamer, Prof. Susanne Augenhofer, Dr. Katarzyna Południak Gierz and with participation of Rebecca Küter . 

Speech: 31. March in Vienna, CISG - 40(+3) years and still going strong?

CISG Confernce preceding the 30th Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot on Friday 31st March in Vienna: CISG - 40(+3) years and still going strong? 

Speech: 23 - 24 March 2023, ZiF-Conference in Bielefeld

Conference of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bielefeld on "Handel im Wandel: Vertrieb und Vertrag an der Schwelle zur Dienstleistungswirtschaft" [Retail in transition: sales and contracts on the threshold of the service economy]

Seminar "Das Schweizerische Recht im transnationalen Förderalismus" [Swiss law in transnational federalism]

On the 26th January the Europa Institute of the University of Zurich holds a Seminar on the topic of "Das Schweizerische Recht im transnationalen Föderalismus" [Swiss law in transnational federalism]. You can find more information and the registration here

November 2022

(With Patrick Gerber) Ethische Produktionsprozesse als Merkmal der Mangelfreiheit der Kaufsache? [Ethical Production Processes as a Requirement of Conformity of Goods?]

ZSR 2022 I Cover

Juli 2022

Nachhaltigkeit und die Rolle des Kaufrechts: Eine rechtsvergleichende Übersicht zu den Regulierungsmöglichkeiten [Sustainability and the Role of Sales Law: A Comparative Legal Overview of Regulatory Options]

ATV Picture

The Inaugural Lecture is now online available

The Lecture can be streamed here:


17 - 18 Juni 2022

Society of European Contract Law (SECOLA) Conference, European Sales Law in the 21st Century

banking and finance

Speech: 14. - 15. Oktober 2021, Conference on Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts in Vienna

Conference on Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts - Vienna 14 - 15 October 2021

Book cover

April 2022

(Mit Florian Willi) Der schweizerische CSR Regulierungsansatz im Kontext neuester Entwicklungen in Europa [The Swiss CSR Regulatory Approach in the Context of Latest Developments in Europe], in: Le droits sans frontières - Recht ohne Grenzen - Law without Borders, Mélanges pour Franz Werro, Stämpfli Editions, 2022, S. 41-54.


26. Oktober 2021

Algorithmic Market Activity

Online workshop series in cooperation with swiss competition authority (WEKO) and ASCOLA Switzerland


September 2021

(Mit Jan Küng) Haftungsbegrenzung bei kaufvertraglicher Sachgewährleistung, Wie viel Freiheit braucht es? [Limitation of Liability for Nonconforming Goods in Sales Contracts – How Much Freedom is Needed?]


22. - 26. März 2021

Annual MAA International Commercial Law & Arbitration Conference 22 - 26 March 2021



14. Juli 2021

Stellungnahme betr. die Vernehmlassung zum Verordnungsentwurf über Sorgfaltspflichten und Transparenz in den Bereichen Mineralien und Metalle aus Konfliktgebieten und Kinderarbeit [Opinion on the consultation on the draft ordinance on due diligence and transparency in the areas of minerals and metals from conflict zones and child labor]

Replacement of non-conforming goods "free of charge" – Is there a need to differentiate between B2B and B2C sales contracts?


Dezember 2020

(Mit Florian Willi) CSR-Berichterstattung Ante Portas: Indirekter Gegenvorschlag zur Konzernverantwortungsinitiative [CSR-Reporting Ante Portas: The Counterproposal to the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative]


September 2020

(Mit Florian Willi) Konzernverantwortungsinitiative: Was ändert sich bei einem JA? [Swiss Responsible Business Initiative: What Changes if a YES Prevails]

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