Giulia Walter, Dr. iur.
- Affiliate Researcher
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Giulia Walter studied law at the Universities of Lucerne, Geneva and Vienna. She holds a PhD from the University of Zurich titled “Art and Copyright Law: An Interdisciplinary Study on Interpictoriality” (Routledge, forthcoming). From 2018 to 2019, she worked as assistant at the Chair for Legal History and Legal Theory of Prof. Dr. Michele Luminati at the University of Lucerne. From 2020 to 2023, she was academic assistant at the Chair for Legal Sociology and Media Law of Prof. Dr. Christoph B. Graber. During this period, she initiated and curated – together with Prof. Christoph B. Graber and Prof. Roger Fayet (University of Zurich) – the project “Law irritates Art, Art irritates Law”. After completing her PhD, she worked at a leading Swiss law firm and is currently preparing to take the bar exam.
Art enthusiast, she researches and publishes in the fields of Art and Law, Intellectual Property and Legal Sociology, always with a marked interdisciplinary approach.
Giulia Walter, Art and Copyright: An Interdisciplinary Study on Interpictoriality, im Erscheinen
Giulia Walter/Stefan Kohler, EPA: Neue Regeln zur Beurteilung bestrittener Prioritätsansprüche, sic! 4/2024
Giulia Walter/Kristina Martinovic, NFTs – Eine Analyse im Lichte des Urheberrechts, sic! 5/2023
Giulia Walter/Filippo Contarini, A personal University. Lifelong learning and a certain kind of fiction in the Swiss law educational system, in: Luca Siliquini-Cinelli/Thomas Giddens (eds.), Biopolitics and Structure in Legal Education, Milton 2023
Giulia Walter/Filippo Contarini, Die Krise als Sachverhalt. Ein Bundesgerichtsentscheid über Klimaaktivismus im Jahr der Pandemie, in: Irina Lehner/Anna Elisa Stauffer/Caroline Rausch/Lea Schneider (eds.), Recht in der Krise, 23. Apariuz Band, Männedorf 2022
Giulia Walter, Rezension von Dario Haux, Die digitale Allmende – Zur Frage des nachhaltigen Umgangs mit Kultur im digitalen Lebensraum, Dike Verlag, Zürich/St. Gallen, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2021, sic! 1/2022
Giulia Walter, Der neue Art. 2 Abs. 3bis URG - Die Umkehrung des Urheberrechts?, sic! 7-8/2021
Giulia Walter, Coping with Copying. Rendering Art and Law, Cognitio 2021/1
Giulia Walter, Barely Legal: Interactions Between Street Art and Law, i-call working paper No. 2020/01